Spot illustrations, Our hextech dream project (2022)
I was given a preferred color palette by my writer, as well as a visual moodboard containing photos and digital illustrations as a style guide to work within. My initial thumbnails were focused on using scale to convey the power imbalance between the two characters.
I focused my energy on creating recognizable silhouettes -- how could I convey information with the limitation of no internal clarification?
 We eventually chose the composition below because it properly condensed the core conflict of the story into a readable image.

Background development and art, unreleased visual novel (2022)
I was tasked with creating the rooms of characters in the game. I sought feedback with the writers of each character and the game director so I could best incorporate details into a cohesive vision; I revised and even redid some of the rooms when given feedback.
The game was abandoned before any assets could be finalized, though a few more polished works-in-progress can be seen below.

Poster design, student affairs office of Rhode Island school of design (2023)
I was tasked with creating various promotional assets around the office, either working within my own style guide to create a cohesive set of works or working according to a client's stylistic preferences, whether they be specific or vague.

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